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Live broadcasts

Experience the vibrancy of our small Texas town with live broadcasts, capturing the pulse of Kerrville and neighboring areas, featuring news, interviews, movies, music, and all things TV.

Interesting presenters

Engage with captivating presenters who bring a dynamic and intriguing flair to our broadcasts, making the content not just informative but also highly entertaining.

Available News at Kerrville in US

Stay informed with the latest news in Kerrville, US, as our channel provides comprehensive coverage of current events, local stories, and relevant updates to keep you in the know.

Newest show on home plants Kerrville, Texas

We invite you to visit our demonstration garden at the Kerr County AgriLife Extension Office. The garden was created, and is maintained, by KERRVILLE, TX kerr movies and tv to feature attractive landscaping with plants that are native or adapted to the Hill Country. The garden also promotes water-efficient landscape design and low maintenance.


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