THREE Dimensional Asset Profile Mapping

Experience cutting-edge precision and efficiency with TechCorr's 3D Laser Scanning Solutions.

For more than 30 years, Byron Group has earned one of the finest reputations across the globe for construction engineering service that achieve our client’s vision

Industrial 3D Laser Scanning

Acoustic Emission (AE) testing stands as a transformative method for scrutinizing material behavior under stress, a cornerstone in non-destructive testing (NDT) applications. Utilizing AE equipment, TechCorr harnesses the power of sound to discern the intricate sounds of cracks propagating, fibers fracturing, and other active modes of damage within stressed materials. The profound advantage of AE lies in its ability to detect minuscule-scale damage well in advance of catastrophic failure, making it an invaluable tool for quality control (QC) testing, structural proof tests, and ongoing plant operations. AE extends its utility beyond traditional NDT applications, offering unparalleled insights into materials research and development in laboratory settings. Moreover, AE equipment's adaptability to various forms of production QC testing, such as weld monitoring and leak detection, underscores its versatility in industrial applications.

TechCorr’s extensive experience, spanning thousands of field tests on diverse industrial assets including pressure vessels, storage tanks, pipelines, and more, has culminated in the development of sophisticated knowledge-based systems like CORPAC™, VPAC™, MONPAC™, POWER-PAC™, and TANKPAC™. These systems, engineered by Physical Acoustics Corporation (PAC), a member of TechCorr Products & Systems division, epitomize innovation and reliability. Under ISO-9001 Certification, our state-of-the-art AE systems and sensors undergo meticulous calibration and maintenance by TechCorr’ highly trained staff, ensuring precision and accuracy in every inspection.

Specifically tailored for Above Ground Storage Tank (AST) applications, TechCorr’s AET methodology provides real-time, 100% volumetric monitoring, enabling swift detection of structural defects. Employing advanced low and high-frequency receivers, our AET system captures and models acoustic signals, facilitating in-depth analysis through proprietary auto-analysis and artificial intelligence software. This analysis reveals the type, location, and severity of damage mechanisms such as bottom side and top side corrosion, weld cracking, and embrittlement. While AET may not fulfill API 653 requirements, its role as a powerful screening tool aids in maintenance prioritization. Furthermore, when integrated with our In-Service Robotic Tank floor inspection service, AET facilitates deferral of out-of-service tank inspections, optimizing asset management strategies while minimizing operational disruptions.

Optimize Project Timelines & Minimize Operational Disruptions

Our Above Ground Storage Tank (AST) surveys encompass a comprehensive range of analyses, including roof and floor deviation surveys, high-definition alignment assessments, peaking and banding analysis, floor analysis, and shell and edge settlement evaluations. Additionally, our scanners facilitate column, girder, and rafter analysis, as well as floating roof gap and rim space analysis, ensuring precise measurements for volume certification and spill containment calculations.

Streamline Operations & Minimize Errors

From tank surveys to coke drum scans, our technology ensures accurate measurements and as-built dimensions for replacement or refurbishment projects.

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