
Our Solutions

Our work in Kaberamaido & Kalaki makes transformational change across these key areas:

Safe Water

We build rainwater harvesting systems.


We build drainable latrines at schools.


We build and install handwashing stations and educate communities on basic hygiene practices and soap making.

Menstrual Health

We educate schoolgirls about menstrual management, hygiene, breaking stigma, building sisterhood and reusable pad-making.

Historical Context

In every country Surge works, we pay close attention to the remnants of the colonial past and take steps to ensure that our work is an active part of decolonization.

With its profusion of brilliant life, Uganda is known as the Pearl of Africa. However, the country has struggled through decades of oppression, violence, and hardship, including as a British colony (1894-1962); the Idi Amin Dictatorship (1971-1979); the Ugandan Bush War (1981-1986); and the Lord’s Resistance Army (1988-2006).


The Issue Addressed

In a country of 41 million people, 24 million lack access to safe water and 29 million lack access to improved sanitation.

Kaberamaido and Kalaki are eastern districts, home to 220,000 people. Heavily contaminated lake water and unprotected springs are the main drinking water sources. Additionally, 80% live below the poverty line, 11% are orphans and vulnerable children, and 7% are HIV positive. While over 70% of the population depends on agriculture for its livelihood, hunger is pervasive. These districts are often self-described as “forgotten” lands.

Despite these challenges, the district leaders and people are committed to building a more prosperous future where everyone has access to a decent education, good health and economic opportunities. We work hand in hand with community-based organizations and local leaders to help deliver their solutions to secure safe water, build toilets, and support menstrual health and hygiene.


Our Work

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Stories that Connect Us

Every story of change inspires us. It reminds us that no matter our background, we’re all connected by a shared humanity – we’re mothers, fathers, daughters & sons – and we all need access to life’s basic needs to survive and thrive. Each person and community featured has owned their transformation and they continue to motivate us to work hand in hand with them to help create a happier world!