
Proper sanitation facilities help keep children in school and increase enrollment.

Our Solutions

Through locally-sourced and community-led solutions in Haiti, Indonesia, Philippines, and Uganda, we achieve sustainable impact

Household Toilets

School Toilets

Handwashing Facilities

The Issue Addressed

3.6 billion people lack safe sanitation facilities in their homes.


Lack of access to proper sanitation is a leading risk factor for infectious diseases, including cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, and hepatitis.


1 in 3 schools lacks access to proper sanitation.


Women and girls spend 266 million hours every day finding a toilet, time that could be spent on school, work or play.

Our Work

Latest updates in 'Sanitation'

Our Impact

Countries we serve

We work hand in hand with communities to deliver sustainable water solutions.




Stories that Connect Us

Every story of change inspires us. It reminds us that no matter our background, we’re all connected by a shared humanity – we’re mothers, fathers, daughters & sons – and we all need access to life’s basic needs to survive and thrive. Each person and community featured has owned their transformation and they continue to motivate us to work hand in hand with them to help create a happier world!