
Our Solutions

Our work in Mindanao, Davao del Sur, Bukidnon, and Cotabato provinces makes transformational change across these key areas:

Safe Water

We install household and community water filters in homes and schools.


We built ecosan toilets for homes.


We educate communities on basic hygiene practices.

Historical Context

In every country Surge works, we pay close attention to the remnants of the colonial past and take steps to ensure that our work is an active part of decolonization.

With more than 7,100 islands, the Philippines is known for its abundance of beautiful beaches and fertile farmland. Its villages are home to diverse indigenous people who are usually the last to gain access to services like safe water. The country has been ruled by outsiders for most of its modern history, first by the Spanish (1565-1898), as a US Territory (1898-1946), and by the Japanese (1942-45). In that time, Filipinos suffered war, political and economic instability, and countless hardships.

Today, the Philippines has made significant leaps toward progress, securing water for a large percentage of its urban population. But much more work is needed, especially in the most remote places.


The Issue Addressed

In a country of 115 million, more than 9 million people lack access to safe water, and 19 million people lack access to adequate sanitation.

In the communities where Surge works, contaminated springs are often the main drinking water source. Many homes also lack proper toilets, significantly impacting hygiene and health. Some villagers spend a significant amount of their income on bottled water – a luxury only a few can afford.

We work hand in hand with community based organizations and local leaders to help deliver their solutions, especially in schools and also in homes.


Our Work

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Stories that Connect Us

Every story of change inspires us. It reminds us that no matter our background, we’re all connected by a shared humanity – we’re mothers, fathers, daughters & sons – and we all need access to life’s basic needs to survive and thrive. Each person and community featured has owned their transformation and they continue to motivate us to work hand in hand with them to help create a happier world!