
Our Solutions

Through game-based education programs and appropriate infrastructure we reinforce critical hygiene practices

Handwashing Facilities

Hygiene Education

Soap Making Classes

The Issue Addressed

2.3 billion people lack basic handwashing facilities at home.


Diarrhea, a leading cause of death in children under 5, can be reduced up to 50% by proper handwashing.


1 in 3 homes and schools lacks access to handwashing facilities.


The spread of communicable disease slows down economic opportunities.

Our Work

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Our Impact

Countries we serve

We work hand in hand with communities to deliver sustainable water solutions.




Stories that Connect Us

Every story of change inspires us. It reminds us that no matter our background, we’re all connected by a shared humanity – we’re mothers, fathers, daughters & sons – and we all need access to life’s basic needs to survive and thrive. Each person and community featured has owned their transformation and they continue to motivate us to work hand in hand with them to help create a happier world!