Get Involved

Hand in hand, help us create a happier world

Here’s How You Can Help

Take action today to help us provide global communities with access to safe water, sanitation, hygiene & menstrual health solutions


Dedicated and passionate global volunteers are integral to Surge's success. We work together to further Surge’s impact. From board service, event planning, to social media management – reach out to learn more.


Use your special occasion, creativity, athletic skills, and heart to help us bring safe water and sanitation to people in need.

Partner With Us

Provide direct support by funding infrastructure, give back through our digital campaigns, event sponsorships, and much more.

Impact Trips

Impact Trips are fantastic ways to directly deliver water and sanitation programs while being culturally immersed in local life and experiencing a country’s natural beauty.

Help Create a Happier World

While water, sanitation, and hygiene access is essential to life, billions of people lack access to these basic needs. We invite you to join us hand in hand to make a sustainable impact — one where communities are at the center of their solutions and where women’s voices are lifted!

Our Causes

Through community-led solutions we achieve sustainable impact