In partnership with Soapbox Soaps, we set an ambitious goal in 2022 – to make and distribute the liquid equivalent of 500,224 bars of soap in Haiti and Uganda. Hand in hand with our local partners, we reached 100% of our soap making goal and trained 2,153 people – 430% of our goal!

Students at Kamidakan Primary School attend a soap making training

Why soap?

In the remote, rural communities in Uganda and Haiti where Surge works, soap is expensive. Families often forgo soap so they can purchase essentials like food or pay school fees. However, soap is the most important part of proper hand washing as it helps remove germs. Proper hand washing can reduce diarrhea, a leading cause of death in children under five, by up to 50%. Without access to soap, it’s more likely that children will be sick, diseases will spread, and community health will suffer.

While soap can be expensive to purchase, the ingredients to make soap are quite affordable in Uganda and Haiti. Working with our local partners, we decided that it wasn’t enough to just provide soap. The communities wanted training on how to make their own soap. This gave them an opportunity to fulfill their hygiene needs, and for the entrepreneurs amongst them, an opportunity to start businesses.

The Ikieunai Women’s Savings Group in Uganda learns how to make soap for home use and to sell


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