Hand in Hand We can Create a Happier World
Surge for Water invests in communities with safe water, sanitation, hygiene, and menstrual health solutions to help end the cycle of poverty.
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Community-Led Solutions

Our work makes transformational change across 4 key areas:

Safe Water

Water impacts all areas of life – education, health, income and overall well-being.


Proper sanitation facilities helps keep children in school.


Hand washing with water and soap saves lives.

Menstrual Health

Access to menstruation resources ensures that no woman or girl is limited by something as natural and normal as her period.

Why Us

Hand in hand with local communities, we’ve been impacting the global water crisis since 2008

Over 1 million people reached across 12 countries.

Our solutions lead to improvements in health, education, income, and a chance for a better future.

Our Impact

Countries we serve

Surge has a robust network of local partners who are dedicated to our joint mission.




Join us and help transform lives around the world

Every drop, no matter how small, makes a big impact.

Our Causes

Through community-led solutions we achieve sustainable impact


Stories that Connect Us

Every story of change inspires us. It reminds us that no matter our background, we’re all connected by a shared humanity – we’re mothers, fathers, daughters & sons – and we all need access to life’s basic needs to survive and thrive. Each person and community featured has owned their transformation and they continue to motivate us to work hand in hand with them to help create a happier world!

Our Work

Latest updates on our global work

Our Partners

Sponsors play a critical role in making our global work possible. Together, we are making a difference.