A Brief Guide to Keeping Your Trailer in Top Condition

Buying a new trailer gives you a great high. But how long will that high last if it gets too crummy to look at or drive around, right? Without the right maintenance, like any machine, trailers deteriorate too quickly.

In the end, what you bought as a great tool to help ease your operations, becomes a burden you’d rather do without. This is why you need to maintain an optimal upkeep routine to keep your trailer’s look and feel as good as new for as long as possible. There are many different things to consider but the following sum up most of what you’ll need to do to get by.

Wash It Clean Regularly

One thing that ruins the appeal of a hauler is how dirty it gets after considerable use. It both looks bad and causes damage that adds up in the long run. So, never keep your trailer dirty just because it’ll get dirty again. If you want prolonged use out of it, you’d instead like to schedule regular wash sessions that keep it looking fine.

Don’t Neglect Your Tires

Tires are heroes that get us from one place to another. Yet, people don’t care for them as well, resulting in the need for new tires way too soon. If you don’t want that to happen to you, you should regularly check your tires for the right air pressure. I’d also recommend that you occasionally check for leaks to reduce the risk of unforeseen flats.

Avoid Sunlight And Rain

You can’t indefinitely protect your trailer from these weather conditions. But when not in use, it’s better to keep your trailer out of the sun to prolong its paint job. Plus, you should keep it away from open areas during rain, as that’s even worse due to its contribution to rust and corrosion on your machine.

Grease The Wheel Bearings

This step may seem a bit technical. But trust me, it does wonders for smooth travels. Of course, you don’t need to keep checking your wheel bearings all too often. A detailed inspection paired with a little greasing once or twice a year should be enough to keep your wheels going strong for a long time.

Lubricate Its Hitches

You also want to prevent corrosion of your hitch components. So, you should ensure regular lubrication of those components to maintain a smooth connection between your trailer and the towing vehicle. I’d recommend using a high-quality lubricant for the most optimal results.

Keep An Eye On Suspension

If you’re hauling considerably heavy loads consistently, you might want to see if your suspension’s in good health. It should have a free range of motion at the right height. If you notice too much damage, it’s best to opt for a replacement as soon as you can, to prevent any major damage to your trailer. 

In Conclusion…

Treat your trailer like you would a friend you care for. Be there for it when it needs your help, and it’ll be there to help you through hardship like a reliable friend later. All in all, this was a brief guide on trailer maintenance to help you keep your trailer in the best shape.

If you’d like to learn more or want a detailed consultation session, you can get in touch with Left Coast Trailers today and we’ll be sure to help sort out your problem. You can also leave a comment to share your thoughts down below.

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