Using the latest surveillance equipment, our experienced operators will stay undetected as they work towards your personal or corporate objective.

We provide highly skilled male and female operatives with differing ethnic profiles; they know how to blend in and work unobserved and undetected, having worked across many arenas, including corporate, governmental, and military.

With access to the latest technical equipment and training, and under the command of an experienced Team Leader, we will provide you with detailed time and date stamped imagery, videos and written logs.


Counter Surveillance is the protection of a person, their information or an asset from an outside threat.

Are you the subject of an investigation carried out by a third party? Do you perceive indications that someone may be watching, following, or monitoring your actions?

Our specialised team has the skills and methods that can identify any surveillance measures targeting you. If you are under surveillance in any way, our operators will uncover the threat without revealing our presence, or compromising your integrity.

GDS will identify the person, people or organisation that is investigating you using the latest technical equipment and training, under the command of an experienced Team Leader.

Our surveillance operators work to a pre-agreed and stringently planned set of standard operating procedures, which are formulated for each unique surveillance operation.

Surveillance environments can change quickly: be assured that our team will monitor the situation and act professionally and with discretion at all times.

Once you have full knowledge of the situation, which is reported to you from the intelligence we have gathered, we can incorporate our private security and protective surveillance expertise to plan for your executive protection and residential security requirements, based on your threat level.


Sensitivity of your confidential information including private conversations, schedules, and plans, can be easily breached by hostile actions from organised criminals, terrorists, business competitors, ex-spouses and partners.

Spy cameras and microphones have become cheaper and increasingly accessible over the last decade. Even unsophisticated and lower end listening and monitoring devices have become smaller and easier to conceal inside people’s homes, offices and vehicles.
GDS deliver a full spectrum of TSCM detection equipment such as:
Spectrum Analysers

Non-Linear Junction Detectors

Radio Frequency & GSM Locating Devises

Thermal Imagery

This enables us to detect whatever device is being used to monitor you.