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Mt Yasur Big Day Out

Mt Yasur Big Day Out

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Mt Yasur Big Day Out

December 5, 2023 @ 8:00 am - December 10, 2023 @ 5:00 pm

The Big Day Out combines the Classic Mt Yasur Tour with stunning visits to Port Resolution and Shark Bay. It starts about 8.30-9.00 am in the morning and finishes at approx 8.00pm at night. It is a day you will not forget, taking in great landscapes and experiences that make Tanna Island truly unique.

Tour Features.

Views of Tanna Island Landscapes.

Leaving by about 8.30-9.00 am, visitors travel via 4WD over unsealed roads, through the central Tanna highlands where various stops are made to view spectacular outlooks of both Mt Yasur Volcano and the east Tanna coastline. Passing the Ash plains, the opportunity is taken at various vantage points along the Ash Plain itself to view Mount Yasur and its surrounding panorama.

Most Pacific islands posses relatively flat and accessible coastlines, and rugged inhospitable mountainous interiors, covered in thick tropical bush. Typically, on such islands, Melanesian peoples develop extensive village networks around coastal perimeters, leaving inland regions relatively untouched. However, Ni-Vanuatu peoples on Tanna Island have settled uniformly over all parts of their island, and some of the richest agricultural lands in Vanuatu can be found in the Tannese highlands. The continual deposition of volcanic ash by Mt Yasur has provided a rugged but relatively flat central highlands allowing the development of village-based coffee plantations, along with other horticultural products.

The trip over the highland region provides views of interior landscapes that are dotted by Tannese villages, largely dependent on subsistence agriculture. Tannese communities possess a way of life that has remained unchanged over many generations.

Mt Yasur Volcanic Ash Plain.

The Volcanic Ash Plain is the remains of an extensive lake that existed at the base of the mountain until broke its banks many years ago causing devastation at Tannese villages below it. What remains is an extensive plain of volcanic ash that presents a surreal picture of flat areas alternating with substantial “dune” regions, along with extensively hard baked and cracked ground. The unusual landscape presents an exceptional vista, that in the right conditions can present itself as an amazing experience. At the same time, the fineness of the ash allows it to be whipped up by strong winds into localised eddies resembling miniature sandstorms.

When conditions permit, the Tour enables visitors to amble over parts of the ash plain where the terrain can be briefly explored, the stream running through it investigated, and various angles of the surrounding landscape viewed.

Port Resolution Inner Harbour.

Travellers continue along an extremely rugged road to the Main bay of the inner Port Resolution Harbour. Here, visitors are met by a village guide to view the volcanic fumaroles along the northern arm of the Port Resolution Harbour (village fee included). Various natural springs occur along the inner beach and a short trek further up the arm of the harbour leads to steaming volcanic pits, and scratchings that provide the local villages with various costume dyes. From elevated positions, good views of Port Resolution and beyond can be seen. Port Resolution, while being relatively undeveloped and remote is a major landing stage for yachties traversing the Pacific sailing circuit. At the height of the sailing season up to fifty intrepid boats can be seen taking respite in the harbour. For all of this, Port Resolution provides an ideal locality to view traditional ni-Vanuatu houses.

Port Resolution Lunch and Time at White Beach.

Subsequent to the inner harbour tour, visitors are taken through Port Resolution to the oceanside White Beach, on the outer arm of the harbour. Lunch is served (your care) either at a local establishment situated in a traditional building in the village or adjacent to the white beach itself. Lunch can either be chicken or omelette based served with rice and vegetables and is an enjoyable fusion of traditional and modern Ni-Vanuatu cuisine.

Following lunchtime is taken to relax at White beach, swim in the surf, or just take time to take in all the local sights. The beach is popular with travelling families and local Ni-Vanuatu children can be seen playing on the beach and in the surf. The beach is also a great place to take a walk, have a look at the scenery and just enjoy the offerings of an exquisite tropical beach. In perfect weather, time just melts away and depending on the preferences of travellers, itineraries can be adjusted so that a greater or lesser amount of time is spent at the beach.

Shark Bay and Captain Cook Rock.

Back in the 4WD after lunch, the tour carries on down various local tracks until arriving at Shark Bay, where you view a boisterous and wild bay from an elevated vantage point, best no later than early to mid-afternoon to ensure that the water is not shielded from the sun. The Bay is noted for viewing sharks, which come into the bay in significant numbers, especially during the cooler months of the year, for the warmth caused by underwater hot water spouts located in the bay. As with all things to do with mother nature the appearance of sharks is not guaranteed and sightings are more prevalent during colder months of the year. Regardless a visit to the bay provides great views of the Southern Tannese coastline and a walk out along the local promontory is rewarded with exceptional views of Captain Cook Rock that can be seen in an adjacent Bay.

The Pinnacle of the Days Activities – Mt Yasur Volcano.

Mt Yasur is the obvious highlight of the day and travellers are taken to the mountain entrance at around 3.30-4.00 pm in compliance of the requirements of the mountain administration. Mt Yasur is a spectacle that rarely disappoints, not only providing a visual display but instead, a physical exhibition that reverberates through every part of those that experience it. The whole of body encounter could never be simulated by multi-media technology and is remembered forever by those who visit the mountain.

Despite the obvious danger of flying magma, the mountain has proven to be relatively benign. As nonsensical as that statement sounds, injuries are relatively rare, although time on the mountain should be treated with the utmost respect. Behaviour is strictly in accordance with Mountain administration requirements. The closure of night-time viewing is at the discretion of the administration, at which time the tour party commences its trip back to guests accommodation taking between 1and a half to two hours.


December 5, 2023 @ 8:00 am
December 10, 2023 @ 5:00 pm
Event Category:


South Pacific Vanuatu Tanna Island Tanna Vanuatu + Google Map

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