Mother’s Day

For Moms, Everywhere

Here’s How You Can Help

For millions of mothers across the globe, the water crisis is a matter of life and death. Surge is working to change this.

For Moms, Everywhere

Join us and help ensure that mothers have access to safe water.

Each day, moms struggle to secure safe water for their families – putting themselves at risk and sacrificing time that could be spent working or caring for their families.

This Mother’s Day, we’re partnering with Gene & Georgetti and Kendra Scott to bring safe water to moms – and with that a chance at economic stability, improved health, and well-being for their families!

Together, we can help ensure that moms have access to the water they need.

Women walk an average of 3.7 miles each day to collect water.

In Africa, 40 billion working hours are lost each year searching for water.

2023 World Water Day Partners

We are grateful to our partners for helping us bring safe water to the world.