Editing for Query Letter, Book Summary, and Book Synopsis

Present your book to agents with a flawlessly crafted query letter and book synopsis.

To begin, call 856-460-8069

Authors need query letters, book summaries, and book synopses to get their books in front of literary agents, editors, and publishers, aiming for a traditional book deal. Writing a query letter differs greatly from writing your book and isn’t easy—the brief letter must captivate and distinguish your book from others. This often requires the expertise of a professional editor.

Make a memorable first impression with our new professional query letter and book synopsis review and editing services. Our top-notch editors, who also handle our book editing, can review and enhance your existing query letter and book synopsis to ensure they are compelling and effectively convey your book’s essence.

What distinguishes a query letter from a synopsis?

Your Query Letter

A query letter is a one-page pitch aimed at capturing an agent’s interest. It outlines your book’s main themes and includes some information about you as the author.

Your Book Synopsis

Your synopsis is a 3 to 5-page summary of your book that outlines its structure, character details, and key plot points. It provides agents with a clear understanding of what your book is about.

How BookBaby Official’s editing process works

1. Select the book editing service that suits your needs.

2. Submit your Word document.

3. Get your expertly edited manuscript back in 6-10 business days.

You don't need to place a book order to use our professional editing services. Just provide your completed manuscript, and we'll get started.

Is this service only for new titles?

You don’t need to order a book to use our book summary service. Just submit your finished manuscript to get started.

Why choose BookBaby to edit your query letter and synopsis?


We provide excellent service, reviewing and editing your query letter or synopsis within 8 to 10 business days.


Our editors are top-notch professionals with experience working with best-selling authors across all genres. They will elevate your query letter and synopsis to meet agents' expectations through thorough editing. No word in your book will be overlooked. Our editors will offer valuable insights and create original content to grab agents' attention.


We stand behind every product and service with the strongest guarantee in the self-publishing business. Your query letter and synopsis will be edited to your complete satisfaction and delivered on time. You’ll walk away with the tools you need to shop your book like a professional author.

Blank pages are the only ones that don't require editing.

Present your book to agents with a flawlessly crafted query letter and book synopsis.