Search Process

Search Process

Candidates are sourced through direct targeted recruiting, our database, online sources and advertising. Our search team identifies suitable candidates and contacts them directly. Prospective candidates are carefully screened and those who meet the requirements are asked to meet with a team member for an in-depth interview.
  • Candidate Sourcing: At NVR staffing, we use a multifaceted approach to find the right candidates. We employ direct recruiting, leverage our extensive database, tap into online resources, and strategically advertise job opportunities.
  • Search Team: Our dedicated team specializes in identifying and directly contacting suitable candidates. They bring industry expertise to the table, ensuring a precise match for your hiring needs.
  • Screening and In-Depth Interviews: We meticulously screen prospective candidates, with a focus on requirements and qualifications. Those who meet the criteria move forward to in-depth interviews, where we evaluate their potential to excel in your organization.
During the recruiter-candidate interview, our trained consultants pose detailed Behavior Description questions to the candidates. These questions allow the candidate to speak about past performance in situations relevant to the position being offered. It also allows our consultants to have a better understanding of how the candidate will perform in the position. The same questions are posed to each candidate, ensuring consistency in the interviewing process. Responses are then rated and a short list is created.
  • Behavior Description Questions: In our recruiter-candidate interviews, our seasoned consultants use targeted Behavior Description questions. These questions encourage candidates to share their past experiences and performance in situations closely aligned with the position in question. This approach not only provides valuable insights into a candidate’s potential but also promotes consistency in the interview process.
  • Outcome-Oriented Approach: By employing a consistent set of questions for every candidate, we ensure a fair and objective evaluation. Candidate responses are carefully assessed and rated, facilitating the creation of a shortlist of the most promising individuals.

Efficient Candidate Selection Process

Following the interviews, profiles of the candidates are reviewed with our client. Employer interviews are then arranged. Follow-ups are conducted with the employers and candidates after each interview to objectively evaluate the fit. Our preliminary work ensures that, in most cases, our clients are able to make a selection after interviewing no more than three to four candidates.

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Terms of Business

By agreeing to employ a candidate we present, you agree to be bound by our fee schedule and conditions of business effective on the date that you place your order with us. All introductions are confidential.
Our fee is due and payable when a candidate is presented by NVR Staffing and is subsequently employed by or contracted to your firm or one of its subsidiaries, Associate Companies or any firm you may refer our candidate to within an eighteen (18) month period.

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