Mobile Application

Mobile Application

The mobile application market is one of the world's most popular and fastest-growing app markets. Android apps are available for download from the Google Play store, which is the primary app store for Android devices. Millions of mobile apps are available ranging from productivity apps to games.


Let's Unlock Achievements Together

Our Brand Design Capabilities
User Authentication and Authorization
Payment Gateway Integration
Content Management System
Accessibility Features
Security and Data Privacy
Social Sharing and Integration
+ More
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What we can help you with

Brand experts that can help you design a brand you're proud of

User Authentication and Authorization:

Allow users to register, log in, and manage their accounts securely. Implement features like password reset, two-factor authentication, and social media login options for convenience.

Personalized Profiles

Enable users to create and customize their profiles with personal information, preferences, avatars, and settings.

Push Notifications

Send real-time alerts, updates, and personalized messages to users' devices to keep them engaged and informed about new features, promotions, or relevant content.

Social Sharing and Integration

Allow users to share content, achievements, or activities on social media platforms. Integrate with popular social networks for seamless sharing and interaction.

Search and Filter Functionality

Implement robust search and filtering options to help users discover content, products, or services quickly and efficiently.

Payment Gateway Integration:

Enable secure in-app purchases, subscriptions, or transactions using popular payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, or Apple Pay.

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Cutting-Edge Technology

There are various packages we can offer to new businesses. It all depends on how important you think rankings are to your business. If it's crucial, then we will advise you on what needs to be done to improve search visibility.

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Expertise and Experience

Our team of seasoned developers brings years of expertise and a proven track record of success to the table. From iOS to Android, we have the skills and know-how to turn your vision into a high-performing, user-friendly app.

The answers to your questions.

We create a brand that you're proud of and want to shout about. Mobile Application isn't just about a logo, it's about creating a story with the correct visual impact, speaking with one voice that is consistent and coherent across all platforms, and designing for all applications. Here at Shape, we make this our priority.

We dig deep to understand who you are, what you offer, and who your audience is, looking to define problems and create effective solutions. We create brands with the correct tone of voice and visual impact that roll out across all different forms of advertising online and offline.

Unfortunately, we don't have set project prices. Every brand design we work on has different requirements that alter the spec of the job. So, once we've received the brief, we can give you an indication of the cost and timescale. Every Mobile Application agency may charge a different fee, depending on the quality of service.

We offer a whole variety of Mobile Application services from research and strategy to brand design, brand guidelines, implementation, and many more, we can support the whole process through to launch and beyond.

Some Mobile Application agencies may reject the project immediately. Our mindset is that we want to work with clients of the same vision. If you want to improve your brand online and understand the way we work (and the discussions are of mutual understanding), then we want to work with you. In terms of budget, the easiest way to find out if a project is possible... is to let us know what your budget is. That way, if we know the budget, we can advise you on the best way to spend your money.