Search Engine Optimisation

Content writers that define your brand tone of voice and aid SEO

SEO is very important if your website is a tool to generate business, whether that be selling services or products. The SEO agency team here at MadeByShape have extensive experience managing SEO campaigns for businesses looking to outrank competitors and compete in search engines for relevant search terms. We also have experience with small businesses seeking local customers.
Today, we are bombarded with more content on a daily basis than ever before. How do you speak up over the noise of a saturated digital world and get your audience to stop scrolling and start reading? Our content writing team uses perceptive and intuitive approaches to build brand reputation and establish rapport with your target audience.


Speak up in a crowded digital world. Whisper the right things in your customer's ear. Build a reputation on the voice of your brand.

Our Content Writing Capabilities
Tone of Voice
SEO Content
On-Page Content
Blog Content
+ More
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We’re the real sh*t

Content that works hand-in-hand with SEO

Without a solid SEO strategy, your content risks getting swallowed up without even being seen. Half the success of any content relies on positioning it in right the right places to get noticed by relevant customers.
Writing successful, optimised content is more than simply stuffing keywords into a service page and hoping for the best. Balancing SEO and your unique, natural tone of voice requires skill. We know just how to do this. In fact, we've won awards for it.
Every piece of content we write has a plan behind it, whether it's one cog in a well-oiled content optimisation plan, a perfectly timed press release to enhance your backlink profile, or a witty strapline that reminds your audience you're just like them.

Content Writers you can trust
In-House SEO team
What we can help you with

What do you want to say, and how do you want to say it?

Tone of Voice

Defining how your brand identity is conveyed through words. The message and personality that makes you you, and resonates with your target audience.

SEO Content

Good content and SEO go hand in hand. We combine the two in a strategy that puts your content in front of the right people and captures their attention when they see it.

On-Page Content

Your website is the front page of your brand. From the first impression of your home page to the USP of each service or product you sell, on-page content is there to help people discover you and become loyal customers.

Blog Content

Become a thought leader in your industry with blog content that is on-brand, on-trend, meticulously researched, and flaunts your intellectual authority. Blog content is also integral to your site's SEO.


Build awareness the right way through professionally written link-building content that champions your brand's voice. Our network of journalists, bloggers, and influencers helps us to tap into new pools of potential customers.

Keyword Research

Research the keyword terms that work best for your business. Base this decision on volume and keyword difficulty, alongside your offering.

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We know how to write like an expert in pretty much anything

Since every company and every audience is unique, so are our strategies. We start every content writing project by getting to know your brand and goals inside out.
We get under the skin of your audience to understand their everyday lives, from their biggest challenges to insider jargon. Adapting content writing to new industries is second nature to us. We've done it quite a few times.

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The answers to your questions.

What is content writing? Content writing comprises formulating a content plan based on your exact goals, establishing the right tone of voice, thorough market research, and writing and editing solid content. Content can be used in larger SEO strategies, PR and link-building strategies, and any other means to market your business.

SEO is very important if your website is a tool to generate business, whether that be selling services or products. It cannot be ignored. The SEO team here at MadeByShape have extensive experience managing SEO campaigns for businesses looking to compete in highly competitive eCommerce spaces or smaller businesses seeking local customers.

We can't show you a price list because we don't have a menu of content writing packages. We can't show you a price list because we don't have a menu of content writing packages. Every project is uniquely devised to meet each client's objectives, current situation, and industry climate. We'll provide you with a bespoke quote and explain it to you in detail once we know more about the project. each client's objectives, current situation, and industry climate. We'll provide you with a bespoke quote and explain it to you in detail once we know more about the project.